Volume 2, Issue 1 (4-2016)                   FPJ 2016, 2(1): 39-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbasi H, Ahmadi S A, Maryam Fatehi zadeh M M F Z, Bahrami F. The Effect of Glaser's Reality Therapy on Personal Commitment of Couples. FPJ 2016; 2 (1) :39-53
URL: http://fpcej.ir/article-1-116-en.html
1- Faculty member of the Institute of Police Science Police, Isfahan, Iran , Molid2007@gmail.com
2- Professor of Counseling at Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran
3- Associate Professor, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Abstract:   (17868 Views)

Commitment to his wife and marriage is one of the most important factors to ensure the continuity of marriage and family bonds that come due to increasing infidelity and divorce in the past two decades, a new study of marriage and family, diagnosed is very important. The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of Glaser's reality therapy on marital commitment of couples. The method of this research was quasi experimental design with pre test, post test and control group. The sample was 32 couples of non adapted couples who referred to counseling and crisis intervention centers in Khomeini shahr of Isfahan. They were randomly placed in experimental (16 couples) and control (16 couples) groups. The independent variable was reality therapy in 9 Sessions over a period of 2 months. The dependent variable was personal commitment that evaluated by the dimensions of commitment inventory of Adams and Jones (1997). The data analysis was performed by analysis of covariance (MANCOVA).    personal commitment that evaluated by the dimensions of commitment inventory of Adams and Jones (1997). Results showed that Glaser's reality therapy increased personal commitment of couples (P ≤0/001). But the men's and women's participants didn’t have a significant difference in personal commitment. All in all results of this research showed that  personal commitment factor which its protective effect in variety of foreign studies and so few native ones has been proven, can be effective in decreasing and preventing of  problems and threats of family as divorce and  marital infidelity.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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