Volume 5, Issue 2 (2-2020)                   FPJ 2020, 5(2): 95-118 | Back to browse issues page

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1- PhD in Psychology, Organization of Psychology and Counseling, Member of the Central Council, Tehran, Iran
2- PhD in Counseling, Welfare Organization, Deputy for Social Affairs, Family and Women Empowerment Office, Tehran, Iran , mahtavakkoli@gmail.com
Abstract:   (4287 Views)
According to reports, marital conflicts have been on the rise during the Crisis of COVID-19 News. This study aimed to investigate the factors affecting marital conflicts in the Crisis of COVID-19 News and to offer solutions to cut these conflicts. The present study is one of the qualitative studies that used Brown and Clark (2006) content analysis method to find and extract the components affecting marital conflicts in the Corona crisis as well as solutions to cut these conflicts. Participants in this study included 26 experts and subject matter experts in the field of the marital conflict who were selected by purposive sampling method and the reason for choosing this volume of the sample was the theoretical saturation rule. Data collected through open-ended interviews with experts. Corbin and Strauss (2014) coding method was used to analyze the data, which suggested three stages of open coding, axial coding, and selective coding. The software used for analysis was MAXQDA 2018. Findings led to the identification of eleven factors affecting marital conflict and twelve strategies to cut marital conflict during the corona. The validity of the findings was assessed based on the content validity component (CVI) and reliability of the findings assessed based on the kappa coefficient test. According to the research findings, it is suggested to pay attention to the factors identified in this study to cut marital conflicts during the corona.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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