Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2018)                   FPJ 2018, 4(1): 77-88 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Ma of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Breanch, Tehran, Iran.
2- Assistant Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Breanch, Tehran, Iran. , Elaheh.khoshnevis@gmail.com
3- Assistant Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University, West Tehran Breanch, Tehran, Iran.
Abstract:   (4855 Views)
Marital betrayal is a phenomenon which influences mental health of the women and the family and can create strong psychological damages. Therefore, the purpose of conducting the present study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy on the depression of the women after the husband’s betrayal. It was a quasi-experimental study with pretest, posttest and control group design. The statistical population of the present study included all women who referred to psychology and consultation clinics and wellbeing centers on the west of Tehran in 2017 because of their husband’s betrayal and had files there 30 women of whom were selected and randomly put into experimental (15 women) and control (15 women) groups. Depression questionnaire (Beck, 1996) was used in the present study. The data were analyzed through ANCOVA test. The results showed that cognitive-behavioral is effective on the women’s depression after the husband’s betrayal (p≤0.05) since this therapy was able to lead to decreasing the women’s depression after their husband’s betrayal. Considering the results, it can be concluded that the cognitive-behavioral therapy can be an effective therapy to decrease the women’s depression after their husband’s betrayal through training concepts such as diagnosing negative automatic thoughts and cognitive distortions and also training the concepts of self-efficacy, resilience and emotion regulation.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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