Volume 7, Issue 2 (2-2022)                   FPJ 2022, 7(2): 53-80 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Assistant professor, Dept. of Psychology and Humanities, faculty of human science, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran , m.niknam@khatam.ac.ir
2- M A, Familly Counseling, Dept of Counseling, Islamic Azad University of Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (991 Views)
Background: Being a prisoner may reduce the feeling of joy and happiness in a person's relationships and family interactions and lead to learned helplessness and marital Burnout. Objective:  This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy on marital burnout and learned helplessness of couples referring to the care center after leaving Isfahan Central Prison. Method:  The research method was quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest and control group. The statistical population of the study included all couples who were referred to the care center after leaving Isfahan Central Prison in 2021, from which 18 couples with the conditions to participate in the study were selected and randomly selected in the experimental group (9 couples) And control (9 couples) was replaced. The experimental group underwent cognitive-behavioral couple therapy interventions for 9 sessions each session for 120 minutes, while the control group was on the waiting list. Data collection tools included the Quinless & Nelson (1988) Helplessness Questionnaire and the Pinnes (1996) Marital Burnout Questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using analysis of covariance. The results: The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control groups in learned helplessness and marital burnout. Findings showed that cognitive-behavioral intervention has a positive effect on reducing learned helplessness and reducing marital burnout in couples (p<0.05). Conclusion: The findings of this study show the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral couple therapy on learned helplessness and marital burnout of couples and therefore it is suggested that psychologists and therapists use this method to improve the learned helplessness and marital burnout of couples.
Article number: 3
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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