Volume 4, Issue 1 (9-2018)                   FPJ 2018, 4(1): 63-76 | Back to browse issues page

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1- Master of Science, group psychology Bojnord, Bojnord, Iran , pourfarahani4900@gmail.com
2- Master of Science, group psychology,payamnoor Sari,Sari, Iran
3- Master of Science, group psychology, clinical psychology, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
4- Professor of psychology, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
Abstract:   (4449 Views)
Satisfaction with body image is of great importance so that change in it can have a great impact on personality and mental, physical and communication health. The purpose of this study was to investigate The Effectiveness Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy, eight – stage Cash approach on improving the body image and commitment marital. The present study was a semi-experimental study that was conducted pre and post-test. Statistic population included all women who Clinic faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in the 96-97 school year. Of the 16 candidates selected as subjects and controls were tested in two groups of 8 people. At first, pre-test was carried out in bath group and then post-test out in both group and then post- test out in both group was thought in ten ninety-minute session for 5 weeks. The data were analyzed by SPSS-20 software and use the covariate. Results showed that Cash Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy was significant affective on improving the body image women in experimental group. Also result showed that improving body image was significant affective on improving commitment marital. Cash Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy was significant affective on body image and commitment marital.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General

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